Dinner - Visit to Ebianum
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 18:30-21:00, EBIANUM AG Museumstrasse 1 5467 Fisibach 044 858 27 77
Speaker(s): Heinz Erhard
A small group of members met up in the Ebianum museum in Fisibach on Tuesday night. Our host, Heinz Eberhard, was present at our first live meeting in at the Alter Tobelhof in Gogghausen in June 2020 in his function of Past District Governor (PDG) and district responsible for member development. As introductions of the new members blew the time frame, Heinz wasn't able to hold his presentation that night. RCZCI was able to make good with the visit to Ebianum - a visit that has had to be postponed many times due to Covid restrictions.
PDG Heinz Eberhard gave a wonderful overview of the how a 100 ha large farm on today's site of the Zurich Airport was transformed to a world reknown construction company. With many personal insights, some anecdotes we got to learn about this company's history over time. There are many historic construction machines on display - wonderful for a rainy date with children & those young at heart.
There is also event Weiach Historkik - Baumaschinen und Lastwagen von gestern und heute, which will be held May 28-29, 2022.
The registration deadline has passed